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The effect of cataract surgery on quality of life and sleep in geriatric patient group
Aim: Investigation of the effects of cataract surgery on quality of life and sleep in geriatric patient group Methods: Ninety four patients who were diagnosed with cataract and operated were included. Preoperative and postoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was measured with the Snellen chart. Cataract types were divided into 3 categories as nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular. The VFQ-25 (vision-related quality of life) questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire were administered to the patients before and after the surgery. Results: One hundred thirty-eight eyes of 94 patients were operated. 45.7% of the patients had nuclear, 16% had cortical, 38.3% had posterior subcapsular cataracts. VFQ 25 questionnaire scores increased from 70.70±3.46 (42-89) to 85.65±7.09 (70-97) postoperatively (p<0.001). While the preoperative Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) score of the patients was 8.70±2.99 (2-17), it was 6.26±3.19 (1-17) postoperatively (p<0.001). There was a positive correlation between the increase in postoperative visual acuity (?) and the VFQ 25 questionnaire score increase (?) (r=0.891, p=0.000). ?VFQ 25 and ? PSQI values were higher in patients who underwent bilateral cataract surgery, but this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.199, p=0.808). ?VFQ 25 after posterior subcapsular cataract surgery was greater than nuclear and cortical type. ? PSQI values were similar in nuclear, posterior subcapsular and cortical cataracts. Conclusion: Geriatric patients with posterior subcapsular cataracts had a higher postoperative vision-dependent quality of life than patients with other cataract types. Cataract surgery has positive effects on sleep quality of geriatric patients, regardless of cataract type and laterality (bilateral/unilateral).

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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 5-9