The Archives of Ophthalmological Research aims to publish issues related to publish articles of the highest scientific and clinical value at an international level, and accepts articles on these topics. The target audience of the journal included specialists and physicians working in ophthalmology, and other health professionals interested in these fields.

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Original Article
Evaluation of choroidal vascular structure in patients with retinal vein occlusion
Aims: To evaluate the posterior segment structures and choroidal vascularity of the eye in patients with retinal vein occlusion (RVO) using enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography (Edi-OCT).
Methods: Twenty-nine treatment-naïve patients with RVO (17 males, 12 females) were examined by EDI-OCT. Subfoveal choroid tickness and choroidal vascularity index (CVI) were used to compare the structural characteristics of the choroid with the eyes of twenty-nine age, and gender-matched controls. EDI-OCT images were binarised using ImageJ program.
Results: Best corrected visual acuity was significantly lower in the affected eyes compared to control group (p=<0.001). Central macular thickness, subfoveal choroidal thickness, choroid stromal area, and total choroid area were found to be significantly higher in the patient group (p=<0.05). CVI was significantly lower in the patient group and no significant difference was found between the groups in terms of intraocular pressure values (p>0.05).
Conclusion: RVO causes significant edema in the choroid stromal area without any change in the choroid lumen area. This structural changes in the choroid evaluated by EDI-OCT, a non-invasive examination, may be used in the diagnosis and follow-up of RVO.

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Volume 1, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 35-39